
发布日期:2018-01-12 作者: 浏览次数:


王  俊




学  位








中国化学会会员;Frontiers in Materials: Energy Materials编辑;Advanced Materials, Advanced Energy Materials, Chemical Science等期刊审稿人

1. 学习和工作经历

2009年-2012年  bwin中文官网  bwin中文官网 工学硕士

2012年-2016年  Institute for Superconducting and Electronic Materials, University of Wollongong, Australia, 理学博士

2016年-2019年  bwin中文官网  bwin中文官网 博士后

2016年-2021 bwin中文官网 bwin中文官网 助理研究员

2021年至今    bwin中文官网 bwin中文官网 副教授

2. 研究领域介绍



1.      金属空气电池电极材料的结构调控和催化机理研究

2.      锂离子、钠离子电池电极材料及功能电解液的性能优化与应用研究

3.      氢演化反应、氧演化反应和氧还原反应等电极催化反应动力学研究

4.      磁功能材料的制备、性能及应用研究







3. 取得科研成果情况

已在Advanced Materials, Advanced Energy Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, Advanced Science, Chemical Science, Journal of Materials Chemistry A和Small等国际核心刊物上发表SCI论文70余篇,其中包括30余篇(共同)第一作者及通讯作者论文30余篇中科院一区论文、9篇杂志封面论文、9篇ESI“高引用论文”(ESI Highly Cited Paper7ESI“热点论文”(ESI Hot Paper10授权专利。获评JMCA新锐科学家山东省重点扶持区域引进急需紧缺人才


1.X. Han#, L.L. Zhao#, J. Wang*, Y.J. Liang, J.T. Zhang*, Delocalized Electronic Engineering of Ni5P4 Nanoroses for Durable Li-O2 Batteries, Advanced Materials, 2023, 2301897.

2.X. Han#, L.L. Zhao#, Y.J. Liang, J. Wang*, Y.X. Long, Z.R. Zhou, Y.M. Zhang, Y.B. Li, J.M. Ma, Interfacial Electron Redistribution on Lattice-Matching NiS2/NiSe2 Homologous Heterocages with Dual-Phase Synergy to Tune the Formation Routes of Li2O2, Advanced Energy Materials, 2022, 12(47), 2202747.

3.D.Y. Li, L.L. Zhao, J. Wang*, C.P. Yang*, Tailoring the d-Band Center over Isomorphism Pyrite Catalyst for Optimized Intrinsic Affinity to Intermediates in Lithium-Oxygen Batteries, Advanced Energy Materials, 2023, 13(15), 2204057. (封面论文)

4.D.Y. Li#, L.L. Zhao#, Q. Xia, J. Wang*, X.M. Liu, H.R. Xu, S.L. Chou*, Activating MoS2 Nanoflakes via Sulfur Defect Engineering Wrapped on CNTs for Stable and Efficient Li-O2 Batteries, Advanced Functional Materials, 2022, 32(8), 2108153. (Wiley Top Downloaded Article)

5.Q. Xia, L.L. Zhao, Z.J. Zhang, J. Wang*, D.Y. Li, X. Han, Z.R. Zhou, Y.L. Long, F. Dang*, Y.M. Zhang, S.L. Chou*, MnCo2S4-CoS1.097 Heterostructure Nanotubes as High Efficiency Cathode Catalysts for Stable and Long-Life Lithium-Oxygen Batteries Under High Current Conditions, Advanced Science, 2021, 8(22), 2103302.

6.Q. Xia, D.Y. Li, L.L. Zhao, J. Wang*, Y.X. Long, X. Han, Z.R. Zhou, Y. Liu*, Y.M. Zhang, Y.B. Li, A. A. A. Adam, S.L. Chou*, Recent Advances in Heterostructured Cathodic Electrocatalysts for Non-aqueous Li-O2 Batteries, Chemical Science, 2022,13(10), 2841-2856.

7.D.Y. Li, L.L. Zhao, Q. Xia, L.L. Liu, W.W. Fang, Y. Liu*, Z.R. Zhou, Y.X. Long, X. Han, Y.M. Zhang, J. Wang*, Y.P. Wu, H.K. Liu*, CoS2 Nanoparticles Anchored on MoS2 Nanorods As a Superior Bifunctional Electrocatalyst Boosting Li2O2 Heteroepitaxial Growth for Rechargeable Li-O2 Batteries, Small, 2022, 18(9), 210575.

8.Z.R. Zhou#, L.L. Zhao#, J. Wang*, Y.M. Zhang, Y.B. Li, S. Shoukat, X. Han, Y.X. Long, Y. Liu*, Optimizing Eg Orbital Occupancy of Transition Metal Sulfides by Building Internal Electric Fields to Adjust the Adsorption of Oxygenated Intermediates for Li-O2 Batteries, Small, 2023, 2302598.

9.Y.X. Long#, Z.X. Zhang#, L.L. Zhao, Q.X. Zeng, Q. Li, J. Wang*, D.Y. Li, Q. Xia, Y. Liu*, Xue Han, Zhaorui Zhou, Yebing Li, Yiming Zhang, Shulei Chou*, Bucket Effect on High-performance Li-O2 Batteries Based on P-doped 3D NiO Microspheres with Conformal Growth of Discharge Products, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2022, 10(46), 24538-24551. (2022 HOT Journal of Materials Chemistry A article)

10.Y.M. Zhang#, L.Y. Liu#, L.L. Zhao, C.X. Hou*, M.N. Huang, H. Algadi, D.Y. Li, Q. Xia, J. Wang*, Z.R. Zhou, X. Han, Y.X. Long, Y.B. Li, Z.D. Zhang, Y. Liu*, Sandwich-like CoMoP2/MoP heterostructures coupling N, P co-doped carbon nanosheets as advanced anodes for high-performance lithium-ion batteries, Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials, 2022, 5(3), 2601-2610. (ESI热点和高被引论文)

11.Y.J. Zhai#, J. Wang#, Q. Gao, Y.Q. Fan, C.X. Hou, Y. Hou, H. Liu, Q. Shao, S.D Wu, L.L. Zhao*, T. Ding*, F. Dang*, Z.H. Guo*, Highly efficient cobalt nanoparticles anchored porous N-doped carbon nanosheets electrocatalysts for Li-O2 batteries, Journal of Catalysis, 2019, 377, 534-542. (ESI热点和高被引论文)

12.C.X. Hou#, J. Wang#, W. Du, J.C. Wang, Y. Du, C.T. Liu, J.X. Zhang, H. Hou, F. Dang*, L.L. Zhao*, Z.H. Guo*, One-pot synthesized molybdenum dioxide-molybdenum carbide heterostructures coupled with 3D holey carbon nanosheets for highly efficient and ultrastable cycling lithium-ion storage, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 7(22), 13460-13472. (2019 Journal of Materials Chemistry A Most Popular Articles, ESI热点和高被引论文)

13.C.X. Hou#, J. Wang#, W.B. Zhang, J.J. Li, R.H. Zhang, J.J. Zhou, Y.Q. Fan, D.J. Li, F. Dang*, J.Q. Liu, Y. Li, K. Liang, B. Kong*, Interfacial Superassembly of Grape-Like MnO-Ni@C Frameworks for Superior Lithium Storage, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12(12), 13770-13780. (封面论文)

14.Y. Wang#, J. Wang#, Z. Mohamed, Q.S. Huang, T.T. Chen, Y.Y. Hou, F. Dang*, W.B. Zhang, H.C. Wang*, A free-standing CeO2/Co3O4 nanowires electrode featuring a controllable discharge/charge product evolution route with enhanced catalytic performance for Li-O2 batteries, Applied Materials Today, 2020, 19, 100603.

15.Y. Hou#, J. Wang#, C.X. Hou, Y.Q. Fan, Y.J. Zhai, H.Y. Li, F. Dang*, S.L. Chou*, Oxygen vacancies promoting the electrocatalytic performance of CeO2 nanorods as cathode materials for Li-O2 batteries, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019,7(11), 6552-6561.

16.B. He#, J. Wang#, Y.Q. Fan, Y.L. Jiang, Y.J. Zhai, Y. Wang, Q.S. Huang, F. Dang*, Z.D. Zhang*, N. Wang*, Mesoporous CoO/Co-N-C nanofibers as efficient cathode catalysts for Li-O2 batteries, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2018, 6(39), 19075-19084.

17.C.X. Hou, Z.X. Tai, L.L. Zhao, Y.J. Zhai, Y. Hou, Y.Q. Fan, F. Dang*, J. Wang*, H.K. Liu*, High Performance MnO@C Microcages with a Hierarchical Structure and Tunable Carbon Shell for Efficient and Durable Lithium Storage, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2018, 6(20), 9723-9736. (ESI热点和高被引论文)

18.C.X. Hou, Y. Hou, Y.Q. Fan, Y.J. Zhai, Y. Wang, Z.Y. Sun, R.H. Fan, F. Dang*, J. Wang*, Oxygen Vacancies Derived Local Build-In Electric Field in Mesoporous Hollow Co3O4 Microspheres Promotes High-Performance Li-Ion Batteries, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2018, 6(16), 6967-6976. (ESI高被引论文)

19.W. Zhao, X.M. Li, R. Yin, L. Qian*, X.S. Huang, H. Liu, J.X. Zhang, J. Wang*, T. Ding*, Z.H. Guo*, Urchin-like NiO-NiCo2O4 heterostructure microsphere catalysts for enhanced rechargeable non-aqueous Li-O2 batteries, Nanoscale, 2019, 11(1), 50-59. (ESI热点和高被引论文)

20.W. Zhao, J. Wang*, R. Yin, B.Y. Li, X.S. Huang, L.L. Zhao*, L. Qian*, Single-atom Pt supported on holey ultrathin g-C3N4 nanosheets as efficient catalyst for Li-O2 batteries. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2020, 564, 28-36.

21.Q.S. Huang, F. Dang, H.T. Zhu, L.L. Zhao, B. He, Y. Wang, J. Wang*, X.M. Mai*, A Hierarchical Porous Carbon Supported Pd@Pd4S Heterostructure as an Efficient Catalytic Material Positive Electrode for Li-O2 Batteries, Journal of Power Sources, 2020, 451, 227738.

22.Y. Wang, N. Li, C.X. Hou, B. He, J.J. Li, F. Dang*, J. Wang*, Y.Q. Fan*, Nanowires embedded porous TiO2@C nanocomposite anodes for enhanced stable lithium and sodium ion battery performance, Ceramics International, 2020, 46(7), 9119-9128.

23.Q.S. Huang, B. He, W.B. Zhang, J. Wang*, Y.Q. Fan*, X.M. Mai*, Y. Wang, Y.Y. Hou, Y. Du, P.T. Xie, F. Dang, Insights into Ion Occupancy Manipulation of Fe-Co Oxide Free-Standing Cathodes for Li-O2 Batteries with Enhanced Deep Charge Capability and Long-Term Capability, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12(27), 30268-30279.

24.X.M. Liu, Q.S. Huang, J. Wang*, L.L. Zhao, H.R. Xu, Q. Xia, D.Y. Li, L. Qian, H.S. Wang, J.T. Zhang*, In-situ deposition of Pd/Pd4S heterostructure on hollow carbon spheres as efficient electrocatalysts for rechargeable Li-O2 batteries, Chinese Chemical Letters, 2021, 32(6), 2086-2090. (封面论文)

25.H.R. Xu, L.L. Zhao, X.M. Liu, D.Y. Li, Q. Xia, X.Y. Cao, J. Wang*, W.B. Zhang, H.S. Wang, J.T. Zhang*, CoMoP2 nanoparticles anchored on N, P doped carbon nanosheets for high-performance lithium-oxygen batteries, FlatChem, 2021, 25, 100221.

26.Q. Xia, L.L. Zhao, D.Y. Li, J. Wang*, L.L. Liu, C.X. Hou, X.M. Liu, H.R. Xu, F. Dang, J.T. Zhang, Phase modulation of 1T/2H MoSe2 nanoflowers for highly efficient bifunctional electrocatalysis in rechargeable Li-O2 batteries, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2021, 9(35), 19922-19931.

27.Q. Xia#, Y.J. Zhai#, L.L. Zhao, J. Wang*, D.Y. Li, L.L. Zhang*, J.T. Zhang*, Carbon-supported single-atom catalysts for advanced rechargeable metal-air batteries, Energy Materials, 2022, 2(3), 200015. (封面论文)

28.S. Chen, Q.W. Chen, S.Y. Ding, Y.D. Tian, J. Wang*, S.Q. Hou, J.T. Zhang*, Rational design of carbon-based electrocatalysts for enhancing redox reactions in rechargeable metal batteries, Nano Research, 2023, 16(4), 4246-4276.

29.X. Han, Y.J. Liang, L.L. Zhao, J. Wang*, Q. Xia, DY. Li, Y. Liu*, Z.R. Zhou, Y.X. Long, Y.B. Li, Y.M. Zhang, S.L. Chou*, A self-assembled nanoflower-like Ni5P4@NiSe2 heterostructure with hierarchical pores triggering high-efficiency electrocatalysis for Li-O2 batteries, Materials Futures, 2022, 1(3), 035102. (卓越行动计划高起点期刊)

30.Z.R. Zhou, L.L. Zhao, Y. Liu*, D.Y. Li, Q. Xia, J. Wang*, Z.D. Zhang, X. Han, Y.X. Long, Y.M. Zhang, Y.B. Li, S.L. Chou*, 2H-MoS2 modified nitrogen-doped hollow mesoporous carbon spheres as the efficient catalytic cathode catalyst for the aprotic lithium-oxygen batteries, Renewables, 2023, 1(1), 100-111. (卓越行动计划高起点期刊)

31.J. Wang, J.Z. Wang*, Z.Q. Sun, X.W. Gao, C. Zhong, S.L. Chou, H.K. Liu*, A germanium/single-walled carbon nanotube composite paper as a free-standing anode for lithium-ion batteries, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2014, 2(13), 4613-4618.

32.J. Wang, L.L. Liu, S.L. Chou, H.K. Liu, J.Z. Wang*, A 3D porous nitrogen-doped carbon-nanofiber-supported palladium composite as an efficient catalytic cathode for lithium-oxygen batteries, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017, 5(4), 1462-1471. (封面论文)

33.J. Wang, C.Q. Feng, Z.Q. Sun, S.L. Chou, H.K. Liu, J.Z. Wang*, In-situ One-step Hydrothermal Synthesis of a Lead Germanate-Graphene Composite as a Novel Anode Material for Lithium-Ion Batteries, Scientific Reports, 2014, 4(4), 7030.

34.J. Wang, L.L. Liu, C.M. Subramaniyam, S.L. Chou, H.K. Liu, J.Z. Wang*, A microwave autoclave synthesized MnO2/graphene composite as a cathode material for lithium-oxygen batteries, Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, 2016, 46(8), 869-878.

35.J. Wang#, Y.J. Zhai#, F. Dang*, L.L. Zhao, Q. Xia, D.Y. Li, D.D. Zhuang, X. Zhang*, Iridium-Decorated Carbon Nanotubes as Cathode Catalysts for Li-CO2 Batteries with a Highly Efficient Direct Li2CO3 Formation/Decomposition Capability, Materials Lab, 2022, 1(2), 220010.

36.J. Wang, A.J. Li*, S.M. Wang, H.X. Zeng, Dependence of the microstructure and properties of TiC/Ti3SiC2 composites on extra C addition, Ceramics International, 2012, 38(7), 5967-5971.


1.      王俊,侯传信,王煜,赵兰玲,翟艳杰,黄启顺,党锋. 一种金属空气电池模具. 专利号:ZL201721385497.9.

2.      王俊,侯传信,翟艳杰,王煜,赵兰玲,黄启顺. 一种花状四氧化三钴/石墨烯中空微球锂离子电池负极材料及其制备方法. 专利号:ZL201711017317.6.

3.      王俊,侯越,党锋,赵兰玲,侯传信,翟艳杰,李红宇,黄启顺. 一种高性能反蛋白石结构氧化铈-碳复合锂氧气电池正极催化材料及其制备方法. 专利号:ZL201810147268.6.

4.      王俊,侯传信,党锋,赵兰玲,黄启顺,李佳佳,王煜. 一种Mo2C/MoO2/C电极材料及其制备方法. 专利号:ZL201811092203.2.

5. 王俊,许浩然,赵兰玲,刘晓猛,李德元,夏青. 一种磷化钴钼颗粒修饰的氮磷共掺杂碳复合材料及其制备方法和应用. 专利号:ZL202010603838.5.

4. 承担科研项目情况













5. 其他










