
发布日期:2015-10-01 作者: 浏览次数:
















2010.09-2012.09 美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校 国家公派联合培养博士生

2007.09-2013.07 华南理工大学 材料加工工程 硕博连读 工学博士

2003.09-2007.07 郑州大学 bwin中文官网 大学本科 工学学士


2017.09 至今    bwin中文官网 bwin中文官网 副教授

2013.07-2017.08 bwin中文官网 bwin中文官网 讲师


2017.07-2018.07 国家科技部 基础研究司 工作人员

2018.11-2019.11 济南新材料产业园区管委会 副主任





1. 注塑成型工艺、模具与装备

1) Supercritical fluid-assisted microcellular injection molding

2) Injection molding for short and long fiber reinforced plastics

2. 碳纤维泡沫夹芯结构复合材料

1) Cellular and porous foam sandwich structure composites

2) Mechanics and multi-scale simulation of cellular and porous polymer

3. 碳纤维复合材料与金属连接技术

1) Thermoforming of continuous carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastics

2) Interface treatment and joining technology of CFRTP with metal

4. 微纳加工与复合材料功能表面

1) Micro/nano structure processing and superhydrophobic surface

2) Composites with photothermal/electrothermal response and anti-icing/deicing capability



[1] Guo Y, Zhao H, Zhang C, Zhao G. Super photothermal/electrothermal response and anti-icing/deicing capability of superhydrophobic multi-walled carbon nanotubes/epoxy coating. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2024, 497: 154383.

[2] Guo Y, Zhao H, Ai C, Zhao J, Su H, Chen J, Zhao G. Parameter optimization of friction stir spot welded Al 6061 and CFRTP PA6 with surface treatment and interfacial adhesion. Thin-Walled Structures. 2024, 197: 111585.

[3] Guo Y, Zhao H. Femtosecond laser processed superhydrophobic surface. Journal of Manufacturing Processes. 2024, 109: 250-287.

[4] Guo Y, Zhang F, Zhao H, Li Q, Chen X, Zhao J. Femtosecond laser processing of steel template for mass production of superhydrophobic polyethylene film. Optics & Laser Technology. 2024, 176: 111004.

[5] Guo Y, Zhao H, Zhang C, Zhao G. Super high flux oil/water separation and efficient separation of water-in-oil emulsions by a versatile superhydrophobic multi-walled carbon nanotubes coating. Separation and Purification Technology. 2024, 348: 127759.

[6] Zhao J, Zhao H, Guo Y, Li Q, Chen X. Enhanced interfacial bonding strength of hot-pressed titanium Alloy/CFRTP joint via laser ablation and interfacial adhesive. Composites Communications. 2024, 48: 101901.

[7] Li Q, Sun Y, Zhao H, Zhang F, Guo Y, Chen X, Zhao G. Structure and properties of the acellular porcine cornea irradiated with 60Co-γ and electron beam and its histocompatibility. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A. 2024, 112: 825-840.

[8] Wang K, Zhang C, Cheng Z, Zhao H, Meng Z, Chen L, Zhao G. Dynamic evolution of the T1 phase and its effect on continuous dynamic recrystallization in Al–Cu–Li alloys. International Journal of Plasticity. 2024, 175: 103948.

[9] Guo Y, Zhao H, Zhai D, Gao Z, Li Q, Chen X, Zhao G. Micro/nano dual-scale porous surface structure of the Al alloys and improvement on the joint strength with carbon fiber reinforced PA 6 thermoplastic. Composites Part B: Engineering. 2023, 249: 110407.

[10] Zhao H, Gao Z, Zhai D, Zhao G. Enhanced mechanical property of continuous carbon fiber/polyamide thermoplastic composites by combinational treatments of carbon fiber fabric. Composites Communications. 2023, 38: 101508.

[11] Zhao H, Yu S, Zhang Y, Zhao G. Mechanical properties and structure of injection molded poly(hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate)/poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate) (PHBV/PBAT) blends. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2023, 140: e53880.

[12] Liu M, Zhang C, Zhao H, Meng Z, Chen L, Zhao G. Micro-/nano-scale structure and elemental diffusion in the Al/Ti/Al sandwich structure. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 2023, 24: 9537-9552.

[13] Li Q, Sun Y, Zhao H, Gao Z, Zhai D. Structure and properties of the acellular porcine cornea irradiated with electron beam and its in-situ implantation. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials. 2023, 111: 2013-2024.

[14] Gao Z, Zhao H, Zhai D, Li Q, Guo Y, Wang G, Zhao G. Fabrication of Microcellular Injection‐Molded Polypropylene with Super High Expansion Ratio by Precision Mold Opening Technology. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering. 2022, 307: 2200112.

[15] Zhai D, Zhao H, Gao Z, Guo Y, Li Q, Wang G, Zhao G. Surface treatment of multiwalled carbon nanotubes and the formation of the multiscale conductivity network in long carbon fiber reinforced polypropylene. Polymer Composites. 2022, 43: 4645-4659.

[16] Li Q, Wang P, Liu C, Liu F, Zhao H, Guo Y, Zhao G. Preparation and mechanical behavior of the acellular porcine common bile duct and its immunogenicity in vivo. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials. 2022, 136: 105494.

[17] Li Q, Zhao H, Wang H, Zhao G. Properties of the acellular porcine cornea crosslinked with UVA/riboflavin as scaffolds for Boston Keratoprosthesis. Biomaterials Advances. 2022, 137: 212822.

[18] Xue Y, Zhao H, Zhang Y, Gao Z, Zhai D, Li Q, Zhao G. Design and multi-objective optimization of the bumper beams prepared in long glass fiber-reinforced polypropylene. Polymer Composites. 2021, 42: 2933-2947.

[19] Song K, Bi Y, Zhao H, Wu T, Xu F, Zhao G. Structural optimization and finite element analysis of poly-l-lactide acid coronary stent with improved radial strength and acute recoil rate. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials. 2020, 108: 2754-2764.

[20] Wang G, Zhao J, Wang G, Zhao H, Lin J, Zhao G, Park CB. Strong and super thermally insulating in-situ nanofibrillar PLA/PET composite foam fabricated by high-pressure microcellular injection molding. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2020, 390: 124520.


1. H.Zhao, L.-S.Turng, Biocomposites Design and Mechanical Performance, Woodhead Publishing Series in Composites Science and Engineering, 2015




1. 山东省技术发明一等奖,2022


1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目2019.01-2022.12,项目负责人

2. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目2015.01-2017.12,项目负责人

3. 山东省自然科学基金青年基金项目2019.07-2022.06,项目负责人

4. 山东省自然科学基金优秀中青年科学家科研奖励基金项目2014.12-2016.12,项目负责人

5. 广东省自然科学基金面上项目 2020.01-2022.09,项目负责人

6. 中国博士后科学基金第8批特别资助项目2015.09-2017.09,项目负责人

7. 中国博士后科学基金第56批面上资助项目2014.09-2016.09,项目负责人


1. 中国机械工程学会、中国复合材料学会高级会员

2. 中国汽车工程学会汽车非金属材料分会委员会委员

3. 国际先进材料与制造工程学会聚合物发泡与多孔材料专业委员会委员

4. 《机械工程学报》《材料工程》《航空材料学报》《工程塑料应用》青年编委





1. 教育部产学合作协同育人项目2022.09-2023.09,项目负责人

2. bwin中文官网研究生课程思政建设项目2024.05-2025.04,项目负责人

3. bwin中文官网教育教学改革研究项目2024.01-2025.12,项目负责人


1. 全国高校混合式教学设计创新大赛优胜奖

2. bwin中文官网青年教师教学比赛一等奖

3. bwin中文官网青年教学能手

4. bwin中文官网教师教学创新大赛一等奖

5. 山东省课程思政示范课程负责人

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7. bwin中文官网课程思政教学名师

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2. bwin中文官网大学生科技创新基金项目8项


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