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发布日期:2015-10-01 作者: 浏览次数:





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1. 学习和工作经历







2. 研究领域介绍





3. 取得科研成果情况



1. F.H. Xiao, J. Wang, D.G. Wang*, J.Q. Zhai, G.X. Lu, C.Z. Chen*Influence of TiO2 nanoparticles on the performance and inner structure of zein/eugenol films. Food Packaging and Shelf Life, 2022, 31:100782

2.D.G. WangF.H. Xiao, Y. Li, X.C. Ming, J.Q. Zhai, C.Z. Chen*, Properties of HA-based composite films fabricated by pulsed laser deposition with an in-situ heat treatment, Surface & Coatings Technology, 2020,394:125863

3. D.G. Wang, X.C. Ming, W.L. Zhang, J.H.   Zhang,C.Z. Chen *.Effect of heat   treatment on the properties of HA/BG composite films. Ceramics International, 2018, 44(6):7228-7233

4. D.G. Wang, X.C. Ming, W.L. Zhang, H.J. Li,   J.H. Zhang,C.Z. Chen *.Influence of   annealing on the phase transformation of pulsed laser deposited HA/45S5 films. Materials Letters, 2018,217:   316-319

5. D.G. Wang, C.Z. Chen *, X.X Yang, X.C. Ming, W.L.   Zhang. Effect of bioglass addition on   the properties of HA/BG composite films fabricated by pulsed laser deposition, Ceramics International, 2018,44(12):14528-14533

6. D.G. Wang, W.L. Zhang, H.J. Li, J.H. Zhang,C.Z.   Chen *.HA/BG composite films   deposited by pulse laser under O2 atmosphere. Ceramics International, 2017, 43: 672-676

7. D.G. Wang, C.Z. Chen *, Q.P. Jin, H.C. Li, Y.K   Pan.HA/Bioglass composite films   deposited by pulsed laser with different substrate temperature. Applied   Physics A,2013, 2014, 114: 897-902

8. D.G. Wang, C.Z. Chen *, Q.S. Ma, Q.P. Jin, H.C.   Li. A study on in vitro and in vivo   bioactivity of HA/45S5 composite films by pulsed laser deposition. Applied Surface Science,   2013,270:667-674

9. D G Wang, C Z Chen*, J Ma, T He.Microstructure evolution of sol–gel HA   films. Applied Surface Science.   2011,257: 2592-2598

10. D.G.Wang, C.Z. Chen*, J. Ma, G. Zhang. In situ synthesis of hydroxyapatite coating by laser cladding.   Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces,   2008, 66: 155–162

11. Diangang Wang, Chuanzhong Chen*, Ting He,   Tingquan Lei. Hydroxyapatite coating   on Ti6Al4V alloy by a sol–gel method. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine,   2008, 19: 2281–2286

12. D G Wang, C Z Chen*, J Ma, T.H. Liu. Lead-based titanate ferroelectric thin films   fabricated by a sol-gel technique. Applied Surface Science. 255(5), 2008: 1637-1645

13. Diangang Wang, Chuanzhong Chen*, Xiuna Liu, Tingquan Lei. Effects of sol-gel processing parameters on the phases   and microstructures of HA films.   Colloids and Surfaces B-Biointerfaces, 2007, 57(2):237-242

14. D G Wang, C Z Chen*, Q H Bao, L Zhang, T Q Lei. Microstructure of yttric   calcium phosphate bioceramic coatings   synthesized by laser cladding. Applied Surface Science, 2007, 253(8): 4016-4020

15. D G Wang, C Z Chen*, Q H Bao, L   Zhang, T Q Lei. Bonding zone morphologies characteristics of laser remelted HA coatings. Surface Review and   Letters, 2006, 13(5): 655-660

16. Yaokun Pan; Siyu He; Diangang Wang*; Danlan Huang; Tingting Zheng; Siqi Wang; Pan Dong; Chuanzhong Chen*.   In vitro degradation and   electrochemical corrosion evaluations of microarc oxidized pure Mg, Mg–Ca and Mg–Ca–Zn   alloys for biomedical applications,   Materials Science and Engineering: C, 2015,47, 85-96

17. W.L. Zhang, H. Shi, D.G. Wang*, C.Z. Chen*.   Morphological and microstructural characteristics of pulsed laser deposited HA composite films.   Surface Review and Letters. 2018,25(8):1950026

18. Zhenghong Chen, Jiqiang Zhai, Diangang Wang*, Chuanzhong Chen*. Bioactivity of   hydroxyapatite/wollastonite composite films deposited by pulsed laser, Ceramics   International,2018,44(9):10204-10209

19. H.C. Li, D.G. Wang*, C.Z. Chen*. Effect of   sodium oxide and magnesia on structure, in vitro bioactivity and degradability of wollastonite. Materials   Letters, 2014, 135: 237-240 (DOI:   10.1016/j.matlet.2014.07.177)

20. H.C. Li, D.G. Wang*, X.G. Meng, C.Z. Chen*. Influence of heat treatments upon   the mechanical properties and in   vitro bioactivity of ZrO2-toughened MgO-CaO-SiO2-P2O5-CaF2 glass-ceramics.   Biointerphases, 2014, 9(3):   031014-1-6

21. H.C. Li, D.G. Wang*, X.G. Meng, C.Z. Chen*.   Effect of ZrO2 additions on the   crystallization, mechanical and biological properties of MgO-CaO-SiO2-P2O5-CaF2 bioactive glass-ceramics, Colloids and Surfaces B:   Biointerfaces, 2014, 118: 226-233

22. Yaokun Pan, Diangang Wang*, Chuanzhong Chen*, Effect of negative voltage on the microstructure,   degradability and in vitro bioactivity of microarc oxidized coatings on ZK60 magnesium alloy,   Materials Letters, 119, 127-130, 2014

23. H.C. Li, D.G. Wang*, J.H. Hu, C.Z. Chen*.   Influence of fluoride additions on biological and mechanical properties of Na2O-CaO-SiO2-P2O5 glass-ceramics. Materials Science & Engineering C, 2014, 35C:   171-178

24. H.C. Li, D.G. Wang*, J.H. Hu, C.Z. Chen*..   Effect of the partial substitution of   K2O, MgO, B2O3 for CaO on   crystallization, structure and properties of Na2O-CaO-SiO2-P2O5 system glass-ceramics, Materials Letters, 2013, 106C: 373-376 (SCI,   IF=2.269)

25. H.C. Li, D.G. Wang*, J.H. Hu, C.Z. Chen*. Effect   of various additives on   microstructure, mechanical properties, and in vitro bioactivity of sodium oxide-calcium oxide-silica-phosphorus   pentoxide glass-ceramics, Journal of   Colloid and Interface Science, 2013, 405C: 296-304

26. H.C. Li, D.G. Wang*, J.H. Hu, C.Z. Chen*.. Crystallization, mechanical properties and in vitro   bioactivity of sol-gel derived Na2O-CaO-SiO2-P2O5 glass-ceramics by partial substitution of   CaF2 for CaO, Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 2013, 67(1): 56-65

27. H.C. Li, D.G. Wang*, C.Z. Chen*, F. Weng. Effect   of CeO2 and Y2O3 on microstructure,   bioactivity and degradability of laser cladding CaO-SiO2 coating on titanium alloy, Colloids and Surfaces B:   Biointerfaces, 2015, 127: 15-21

28. H.C. Li, D.G. Wang*, C.Z. Chen*, Effect of zinc   oxide and zirconia on structure,   degradability and in vitro bioactivity of wollastonite, Ceramics International, 2015, 41(8): 10160-10169

29. H.C. Li, D.G. Wang*, C.Z. Chen*, F. Weng, H.   Shi. Phase composition, microstructure and in vitro bioactivity of laser cladding   CaO-ZrO2-SiO2 system coatings on   titanium alloy, Materials Letters,   2015,157: 139-142

30. H.C. Li, D.G. Wang*, C.Z. Chen*, F. Weng, H Shi. Preparation and   characterization of laser cladding wollastonite derived bioceramic coating on titanium alloy.   Biointerphsased, 2015,10(3):031007-1-11

31. H.C. Li, D.G. Wang*, C.Z. Chen*, H Shi.   Microstructure, in vitro bioactivity   and degradability of various magnesia-containing wollastonite. Materials Letter, 2015,159: 459-462

32. H.C. Li, D.G. Wang*, C.Z. Chen*, H Shi.   Influence of different amount of Na2O   additive on the structure, mechanical properties and degradability of bioactive wollastonite.   Ceramics International, 2016,42(1): 1439-1445


1. 王佃刚、肖飞虹、王菁、陈传忠一种玉米醇溶蛋白/二氧化钛复合膜及制备方法与应用中国,2020115085845

2. 王佃刚、明星辰、陈传忠、肖飞虹,硅磷酸钙基体粉料及制备方法、骨修复材料及制备方法,2020.05.26,中国,ZL2019106316369

3. 明星辰、王佃刚、陈传忠、孙博文,植酸钠制备骨水泥固化液的应用及基于植酸钠的骨水泥,2020.05.25,中国,ZL2019106674335

4. 王佃刚、张维丽、陈传忠、明星辰,一种掺硅磷酸钙骨水泥修复材料的制备方法,2020.05.08,中国,ZL201810481717.0

5. 王佃刚、张维丽、陈传忠,钛自固化磷酸钙骨修复材料,2018.02.09,中国,201810133955.2

6. 王佃刚、陈传忠、李焕彩,钛合金表面激光熔覆硅灰石基生物活性陶瓷涂层的方法,2017.01.11,中国,ZL   201410239767.X

7. 陈传忠(#)、石佳子、于慧君、王佃刚,一种Ca/P-TiO2复合生物薄膜的制备工艺,2016.2.15,中国,ZL201410246773.8

8. 王佃刚、陈传忠、李焕彩,一种生物活性硅灰石陶瓷的制备方法,2015.10.21   2015.10.21,中国,ZL201410239786.2

9. 王佃刚、陈传忠、户俊华,一种高活性低膨胀生物微晶玻璃的制备方法,2014.03.26,中国,ZL201210129639.0

10. 陈传忠、何青山、王佃刚,无压浸渗法制备SiC/Al电子封装材料的工艺,2014.1.15,中国,ZL201210165260.5

11. 陈传忠、于雪、潘尧坤、于慧君、王佃刚,一种可降解镁合金植入体材料的制备方法,2013.08.02,中国,ZL201110219841.8

12. 陈传忠、潘尧坤、王佃刚、于慧君、石佳子, 一种镁合金表面富含钙磷相的生物陶瓷涂层的制备方法,2013.01.09,中国,ZL 201110219578.2

13. 陈传忠、王佃刚、于慧君、马杰,一种羟基磷灰石-生物玻璃薄膜及其制备工艺,2012.10.31,中国,ZL200910015089.8

14. 陈传忠、孟祥国、王佃刚,ZrO2增韧MgO-CaO-SiO2-P2O5-CaF2系生物活性微晶玻璃及其制备方法,2012.10.31,中国,ZL 200910015171

15. 于慧君、赵天盖、陈传忠、王佃刚,一种铝合金微弧氧化着绿色膜层的方法,2017.05. 10CN201510290297.4

4. 承担科研项目情况


横向课题,可降解循环利用绿色包装关键技术,广东泽合环保科技有限公司,2022.08-2024.07 7万元,主持

“福地英才”计划人才项目,绿色可降解包装材料的研发与应用, 2021.06-2023.06 30万元,主持

横向课题,1370020004,2020.06-2023.09 12万元,主持

山东省自然科学基金,ZR2017MEM009   2017.08-2020.06 16万元,主持


58批中国博士后科学基金,2015M582089   2015.10-2018.03 5万元,主持





国际合作项目:日本小松公司,113708342008.01-2009.12   11.358万元,主持

bwin中文官网教学改革立项,2013ZD020   2014-20152万元,主持


bwin中文官网项目,2019Y093   2019.07-2021.064万元,主持





