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发布时间:2021年06月04日 10:06    作者:    点击:[]





学 位








1. 学习和工作经历

05/2021至今   教授,齐鲁青年学者,bwin中文官网 bwin中文官网,山东济南;

11/2018-03/2021 博士后研究员,瑞士联邦材料科学与技术研究室(EMPA),瑞士苏黎世;

08/2016- 10/2018  博士后研究员 新加坡南洋理工大学 bwin中文官网, 新加坡;

09/2015-03/2016  研究助理 香港理工大学 机械工程学院,中国香港;

09/2011-06/2016  博士 中国科学院大学 国家纳米科学中心,中国北京;

09/2007-06/2011  学士 华中科技大学 生物医学工程,中国武汉。

2. 研究领域介绍

致力高分子纳米复合材料、有机/无机杂化材料、新型无机纳米材料((碳纳米管、石墨烯、金属纳米线、过渡金属碳化物 MXenes、MOF等)生物基天然高分子材料等的制备、功能化与高性能化研究,聚焦于电磁屏蔽、微波吸收、传感器、柔性电子器件、空气过滤、结构健康监测等领域的应用方向。

3. 取得科研成果情况

迄今,在国际著名学术期刊发表论文近40篇,总被引超1500余次,h-index 为 20。其中以第一作者/通讯作者身份发表论文20余篇,包括,包括Adv. Mater.,Adv. Funct. Mater.,Adv. Sci.,ACS Nano,Small,J. Mater. Chem. A,Carbon, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces等。申请发明专利 6 项,已授权专利 4 项(含美国专利 2 项)。担任国际知名学术期刊Small, Carbon, Sensors,Nanomaterials等审稿人或客座编辑。


1.      ZH Zeng, E. Mavrona, D. Sacré, N. Kummer, J. Cao, L. A. E. Müller, E. Hack, P. Zolliker, G. Nyström * Terahertz Birefringent Biomimetic Aerogels Based on Cellulose Nanofibers and Conductive Nanomaterials. ACS Nano, 2021, 15(4):7451-7462. (影响因子14.588)

2. ZH Zeng, G Nystrom*, J Wang*, et al: Flexible and Ultrathin Waterproof Cellular Membranes Based on High-Conjunction Metal Wrapped Polymer Nanofibers for Electromagnetic Interference Shielding. Advanced Materials 2020, 1908496 (影响因子27.398)

3.      D.K. Kevin, ZH Zeng(co-first author), T. Wu, G Nystrom*: Functional Materials from Nanocellulose: Utilizing Structure-Property Relationships in Bottom-Up Fabrication. Advanced Materials 2020, 2000657. (影响因子27.398)

4.      ZH Zeng, G Siqueira*, G Nystrom* et al: Ultralight, Flexible and Biomimetic Nanocellulose/Silver Nanowire Aerogels for Electromagnetic Interference Shielding. ACS Nano 2020, 14, 3, 2927-2938. (影响因子14.588), ESI 高引

6.      ZH Zeng, Gustav Nyström* et al: Nanocellulose-MXene Biomimetic Aerogel with Orientated-Tunable Electromagnetic Interference Shielding Performances. Advanced Science 2020, advs.202000979. (影响因子15.840)

5.      ZH Zeng, H Jin*, Z Zhang * et al: Lightweight and Anisotropic Porous MWCNT/WPU Composites for Ultra-High Performance Electromagnetic Interference Shielding. Advanced Functional Materials 2016, 26, 303–310. (影响因子16.836, 被引次数400)), ESI 高引

7.      ZH Zeng, H Jin*, Z Zhang * et al: Microstructure Design of Lightweight, Flexible and High Electromagnetic Shielding Porous Multi-walled Carbon Nanotube/Polymer Composites. Small, 2017, 1701388. (影响因子11.459, 被引次数100))

8.      ZH Zeng, Gustav Nyström* et al: Nanocellulose Assisted Preparation of Ambient Dried, Large-Scale and Mechanically Robust Carbon Nanotube Foams for Electromagnetic Interference Shielding. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2020, 8 (35), 17969-17979. (影响因子11.3), JMCA热点文章,内封面.

9.      ZH Zeng, H Jin*, Z Zhang* et al: Thin and Flexible Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube/Waterborne Polyurethane Composites with High-Performance Electromagnetic Interference Shielding. Carbon 2016, 96, 768-777. (影响因子8.821, 被引次数200) , ESI 高引

10.      ZH Zeng, XH Lu*, et al: Ultra-light and Flexible Polyurethane/Silver Nanowire Nanocomposites with Unidirectional Pores for Highly Effective Electromagnetic Shielding. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9, 3221132219. (影响因子8.758)

11.      ZH Zeng, XH Lu* et al: Ultralight and Highly Elastic Graphene/Lignin-Derived Carbon Nanocomposite Aerogels with Ultrahigh Electromagnetic Interference Shielding Performance. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018, 10, 8205–8213. (影响因子8.758)

12.      ZH Zeng, XH Lu*, et al: Polymer-Assisted Fabrication of Silver Nanowire Cellular Monoliths: Towards Hydrophobic and Ultraflexible High-Performance Electromagnetic Interference Shielding Materials. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12 (34), 38584-38592. (影响因子8.758)

13.      ZH Zeng, H Jin*, Z Zhang* et al: Low Voltage and High Performance Electrothermal Actuator Based on Multi-walled Carbon Nanotube/Polymer Composites. Carbon 2015, 84, 327-334. (影响因子8.821)

14.      ZH Zeng, Z Zhang*, ZQ Su* et al: Ultra-broadband Frequency Responsive Sensor Based on Lightweight and Flexible Carbon Nanostructured Polymeric Nanocomposites. Carbon, 2017, 121, 490-501. (影响因子8.821)

15.      ZH Zeng, XH Lu* et al: Biomass-Based Honeycomb-Like Architectures for Preparation of Robust Carbon Foams with High Electromagnetic Interference Shielding Performance. Carbon 140 (2018) 227-236. (影响因子8.821)

16.      ZH Zeng, XH Lu* et al: Robust Lignin-Based Aerogel Filters: High-Efficiency Capture of Ultrafine Airborne Particulates and the Mechanism. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2019, 77, 6959. (影响因子7.632)

17.      ZH Zeng, XH Lu*, et al: Highly Stretchable, Sensitive Strain Sensors with Wide Linear Sensing Region Based on Compressed Anisotropic Graphene Foam/Polymer Nanocomposites. Nanoscale, 2017, 9, 17396-17404.  (影响因子6.895)

18.      H Xu*, ZH Zeng (co-first author), ZQ Su* et al: Broadband Dynamic Responses of Flexible Carbon Black/Poly (Vinylidene Fluoride) Nanocomposites: A Sensitivity Study. Composites Science and Technology, 2017, 149, 246-253. (影响因子7.094)

19.      C Wang, M Chen*, H Lei, ZH Zeng*(corresponding author), K Yao, X Yuan, D Fang. Frequency-selective-surface based sandwich structure for both effective loadbearing and customizable microwave absorption. Composite Structures 2020, 235, 111792. (影响因子5.138)

20.      ZH Zeng, ZQ Su*, Z Zhang* et al: A Coatable, Lightweight Nanocomposite Sensor for in-situ Acquisition of Elastic Disturbance: from Low-frequency Vibration to Ultrasonic Waves. Smart materials and structures, 2016, 25, 065005. (影响因子3.613)




2022年拟招收硕士研究生2-3人;博士研究生1-2人。 欢迎对本方向感兴趣的的硕士生、博士生加入。



4. 承担科研项目情况

1. bwin中文官网齐鲁青年学者第一层次项目: 2021-2026主持。

2. 欧盟地平线2020 (Horizon 2020)研究与创新基金,NanoTextSurf (Nanotextured surfaces for textiles, paper and plastic, 2018-2020

3. 新加坡公营部科学和工程研究委员会与新加坡教育部,(Bioinspired approaches to robust nanofibrous macrostructures for 3D filtration),2016-2018

4. Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC) Hong Kong Innovation and Techno

logy Fund (ITF), Innovation and Technology Support Programme,An Innovative Smart Sensing Network Coating towards in-situ Acoustoultrasonics-based Health Monitoring for Engineering Structures, 2015-2016

5. (生活照片或其他,可自行删除)









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