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Thermodynamic Principles of Materials
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英文:Thermodynamic Principles of Materials






This course   introduces the fundamental concepts, laws and equations in thermodynamic and   kinetic processes of materials, which include energy and work, temperature,   free energy, chemical activity, laws of thermodynamics and chemical reaction.   This course will make students aware of the practical problems in using   thermodynamics. Overall, this course provides both students and professionals   with the in-depth explanation they need to prepare for the real-world   application of thermodynamic tools.



Course General

1 Review of   Fundamentals.  2 hrs

1.1 Systems,   Surroundings and Work.

1.2   Thermodynamic Properties.

1.3 The Laws of   Thermodynamics.

1.4 The   Fundamental Equation.

1.5 Other   Thermodynamic Functions.

1.6 Equilibrium   State.

2 Thermodynamics   of Unary Systems. 2 hrs

2.1 Standard   State Properties.

2.2 The Effect   of Pressure.

2.3 The   Gibbs-Duhem Equation.

2.4 Experimental   Methods.

3 Calculation of   the Thermodynamic Properties of Unary Systems. 2 hrs

3.1   Constant-Pressure/Constant-Volume Conversions.

3.2 Excitations   in Gases.

3.3 Excitations   in Pure Solids.

3.4 The   Thermodynamic Properties of a Pure Solid.

4 Phase   Equilibria in Unary Systems. 2 hrs

4.1 The   Thermodynamic Condition for Phase Equilibrium.

4.2 Phase   Changes.

4.3 Stability   and Critical Phenomena.

4.4 Gibb's Phase   Rule.

5 Thermodynamics   of Binary Solutions I: Basic Theoryand Application to Gas Mixtures. 1 hrs

5.1 Expressing   Composition.

5.2 Total   (Integral) and Partial Molar Quantities.

5.3 Application   to Gas Mixtures.

6 Thermodynamics   of Binary Solutions II: Theory and Experimental Methods. 1 hrs

6.1 Ideal   Solutions.

6.2 Experimental   Methods.

7 Thermodynamics   of Binary Solutions III: Experimental Results and Their Analytical   Representation. 1 hrs

7.1 Some   Experimental Results.

7.2 Analytical   Representation of Results for Liquid or Solid Solutions.

8 Two-Phase   Equilibrium I: Theory. 2hrs

8.1   Introduction.

8.2 Criterion   for Phase Equilibrium Between Two Specified Phases.

8.3 Gibb's Phase   Rule.

9 Two-Phase   Equilibrium II: Example Calculations. 1hrs


10 Solution   Phase Models I: Configurational Entropies. 2 hrs

13.1   Substitutional Solutions.

13.2   Intermediate Phases.

13.3   Interstitial Solutions.

11 Solution   Phase Models II: The Configurational Energy. 2 hrs

11.1 Pair   Interaction Model.

11.2 Cluster   Model.

12 Solution   Models III: The Configurational Free Energy. 2 hrs

12.1 Helmholtz   Energy Minimization.

12.2 Critical   Temperature for Order/Disorder.

13 Solution   Models IV: The Total Gibbs Energy.  2 hrs

13.1 Atomic Size   Mismatch Contributions.

13.2   Contributions from Thermal Excitations.

13.3 The Total   Gibbs Energy in Empirical Model Calculations.

14 Chemical   Equilibria I: Single Chemical Reaction Equations. 3 hrs

14.1   Introduction.

14.2 The   Empirical Equilibrium Constant.

14.3 The   Standard Equilibrium Constant.

14.4 Calculating   the Equilibrium Position.

14.5 Application   of the Phase Rule.

15 Chemical   Equilibria II: Complex Gas Equilibria. 3 hrs

15.1 The   Importance of System Definition.

15.2 Calculation   of Chemical Equilibrium.

15.3 Evaluation   of Elemental Chemical Potentials in Complex Gas Mixtures.

15.4 Application   of the Phase Rule.

16 Chemical   Equilibria Between Gaseous and Condensed Phases I. 2 hrs

16.1 Graphical Presentation   of Standard Thermochemical Data.

16.2 Ellingham   Diagrams.

17 Chemical   Equilibria Between Gaseous and Condensed Phases II. 2 hrs

17.1 Subsidiary   Scales on Ellingham Diagrams.

17.2 System   Definition.

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